The Monday Question: Resolutions!

It’s the start of a fresh year and after looking back at 2012 it is time to look ahead and set some goals for 2013:

Which movie related goals have you set for yourself this year? (mine after the jump)

I managed to reach all the goals I set last year and have thought up some for this year:

Movie related goals

– Watch at least 300 movies (a goal which I manage each year, but I don’t feel the need to raise it)
– Rewatch more movies this year. Last year I only rewatch 5.8% of the movies I saw, this year that percentage needs to be higher. In order to do so I will at least rewatch the following movies: Curse of the Golden Flower, Lost in Translation, Casino, Les Diaboliques, The Hunt for Red October, V for Vendetaa, The Godfather trilogy, The Matrix, Sin City, Moulin Rouge, Magnolia, Gangs of New York, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Kill Bill 1 & 2.
– Try to see at least two movies a month at the cinema
– Although not movie related this one needs to be included. I have several TV show boxsets in the house which I have never watched: Oz (the complete series), Deadwood (season 3), Dexter (season 1), The Borgias (season 1) and The Bridge. I will try to see at least two seasons of any one of them.

Blogging related goals

– Start at least one new blogathon
– Write guest posts
– Continue my “The Story Behind…” series
– Finish my “The Lost Cinemas of Rotterdam” project. I started the series last year, but stopped writing them even though I have the material to continue.
– Do some interviews (already have the first one with artist Michael Deas ready to be published on Wednesday)

Which movie related goals have you set for yourself this year?

19 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Resolutions!

  1. I go away for a while and it is all change around here!! I am back baby and FRC is back Nostra!!

    This year I have no goals apart from making lots of money for my family. Last year i set myself some and it didnt work out at all… So this year I am relieving myself of the burden

    • Scott, I am so happy to see you online again. Welcome back! I wish you all the best for 2013 and fully support the one resolution you have. In the end that’s the most important one!

  2. I’ve got a couple of goals.

    To get to more movies in the cinema – last year I was a bit poorly and didn’t get to as much as I had wanted to buy very much on the mend. And there’s a cineworld opened just 5 miles from home.

    I also want to watch all my unwatched DVDs at home. Which on one shelf alone (the small one) is 96. I have a dreadful habit of buying films because they are cheap or look interesting or are classics then never get round to watching them.

    In terms of blogging – be better at reviewing films when I see them rather than waiting for days then forgetting what I want to say. And get round more blogs commenting and saying hi to folk.

    Great to see you back Scott. Missed you and will pop over to FRC.

    • So how come you didn’t see that many at the cinema? Just didn’t had the time or was it too much effort ๐Ÿ˜‰ With me it really is a time issue as it’s hard to get away when you got 3 kids in the house ๐Ÿ™‚

      I do that too, still have way to many unwatched DVDs, should also check out some of those this year. Hope you’ll manage to shrink the number!

      Lately I try to review them as soon as I can, although I always pretty much know what I’m going to write even if it’s a bit longer after I’ve seen it. Commenting is very important when blogging and it makes it a lot more fun.

  3. Here are my goals for the year:

    1. Write at least one review per week โ€“ last year this was easier said then done.

    2. Use Monday to spotlight another blog, though it does not have to be film related.

    3. Come up with a weekly featureโ€“probably for Wednesdays and starting next week.

    4. Improve on my stats from this year โ€“ link to 2012 stats at the bottom of this post.

    • One review a week should be possible, just set a fixed day of the week to write, that really helps. I usually do most of my writing on Sunday evenings.

      Spotlights are a cool feature..let me know when you want to feature my blog ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Interested to see what you will come up with for your weekly feature.

  4. Nice goals here, Nostra. Especially the ones about rewatches and cinema. Going to the cinema more often is one of my goals.

    Also, want to watch more classics and film recs. I’ve got a big list to get through, but want to watch more quality this year. And still get to my 100 new-to-me goal.

    • Thanks Jaina! I do hope the rewatches pan out as I’m currently watching way more new releases than ones I’ve seen…but the year is still young!

      Hope you will reach the goal you’ve set yourself!

  5. My goals are small potatoes this year man. I just want to keep posting without suffering bloggers burnout and I’d like to visit the cinema more often. There’s not enough of the latest movies appearing on my site when they’re released. I look forward to some of the things you have planned though.

    • Yeah, it can be hard to keep yourself motivated sometimes. Just make sure you keep having fun with it and come up with interesting things to get people involved, that’s what will keep you going!

      Glad to hear and I hope I’ll statisfy your expectations ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Don’t really have resolutions other than to try to watch more classic films this year. Anyway, best of luck with everything and hope to see you around more on FC, too ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. I have quite a few goals for this year. I want to increase my views and visitors, mostly by more reviews than last year. I have a goal to watch 200 new/not previously seen movies and I also want feature guest reviews. Maybe have a weekly feature that stays permanently this time around.

  8. I don’t really have any resolutions this year, but I think I’ll try to make an effort to rewatch more films, too. Good luck with your goals, Nostra!

  9. Pingback: » Movie Review – Matrix Trilogy, The: Al K Hall Tips His Glass On The Matrix Spill-ogy… Fernby Films

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