Obstruction 3: Pacific Rim (2013)

So because I was on a holiday and had some things on my mind afterwards I was not able to write my review for this obstruction earlier. Since I am very short on time (only 2 hours left) I’m going to have to keep this review short:

Review of Pacific Rim (2013)

We always think that aliens will come from the stars, but it turns out they come from a portal in deep Pacific. The plot (yes there IS one, in case some of you are wondering) is nothing we’ve never heard before but it’s played out quite efficiently here. the earth starts getting periodically attacked by huge monsters (Kauji – a term for Japanese monster movies), so humanity pulls together and builds equally massive robots (Jaegers) to fight back.

Review of Pacific Rim (2013)

This is a big, loud blockbuster in every sense. In the hands of a less talented director, Pacific Rim could’ve been an absolute mess, Del Toro loved Kaiju and Mecha. Most theatergoers will come to Pacific Rim for the spectacle of dizzying fight-scenes. Everything else looks fantastic, and there’s enough strands running alongside the generic monster-movie plot to keep you occupied.

Review of Pacific Rim (2013)

There’s a human story worth caring about as well. There are few standouts worth mentioning. Most of the memorable performances are from the supporting characters. Ron Perlman as black-marketeer Hannibal Chau adds plenty of craziness. The real STAR is the hunky and charismatic Idris Elba. This is definitely one of the most fun I’ve had this year watching a movie. Do stay for a bit after the end credits, it’s worth the wait.

I’ve used reviews from the following blogs to write this review:
Paragraph Film Reviews
Polychrome Interest

8 thoughts on “Obstruction 3: Pacific Rim (2013)

      • It didn’t do as well as expected, let’s put it that way. But apparently because it did well in China, there is a green light to go with a sequel. They had to break that box office number to do it and with the figures before the Chinese opening, it wouldn’t have. Crazy….

  1. Pingback: » Movie Review – Pacific Rim Fernby Films

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