The Monday Question: Most watched movie!

Despite watching so many movies that are new to me there are always movies which you keep returning to, which you will rewatch and not get bored of. Today’s question is about that:

What is your most watched movie?

Although I must admit that I have never kept track of the amount of times I watched a specific films I think Coming to America must be one of those movies I have seen a lot. It is not a movie I will put on myself, but if I come across it on TV I will usually watch it. There are more movies like that, but this was the first I could think of when I thought of this question. Interested in your most watched movie(s)!

15 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Most watched movie!

  1. I don’t know. I will admit that I’ve seen Coming to America a bunch of times. Hell, I can quote most of that film. Same thing with Major League. I would also probably put National Lampoon’s Vacation in that list. I’m not sure if Lost in Translation would be there since I do watch the film every September 21st to celebrate Bill Murray’s birthday.

  2. I watch the first Die Hard film every year during Christmas time, same with The Godfather 1 & 2. Ever since I bought Skyfall on BD, I’ve watched it many times now. I’ve lost count on how many times I’ve watched Terminator 2 and Blade Runner, two of my all time favorites films.

  3. Starship Troopers.

    I absolutely thought it was the most awesome film of all time (at one point) and watched it once a week for about two years after I snagged it on DVD….

  4. Good question.

    At one time it was “Night of the Generals” because I would pop the VHS tape into the machine to help me fall asleep. Now my go to movie for that is the long version of “Dune”.

    But of actual movies that I plan to stay awake for I’m guessing my Top-5 are “Clue”, “Hero”, “Empire Strikes Back”, “Christmas Vacation”, and “Casino”. “Christmas Vacation” most likely takes the win because it is a yearly Christmas tradition.

    It’s been a while since I actually actively repeat watch films at the house so my list is a little dusty.

  5. I tend to watch the Lord of the Rings films at least once a year, so I’ve built up quite a few viewings of them. A new favourite is ‘The Avengers’, which I saw three times in the cinema and about seven more times since. It’s so rewatchable!

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  7. I was going to say Gladiator. But it’s probably more like something like Back to the Future, or Beverly Hills Cop. Something that’s always on TV and I can never switch off when it’s on. Even if it’s just on in the background, while I’m on my laptop.

    Speed, Bad Boys, something incredibly silly like that!

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