Drinking Buddies (2013)

Review of Drinking Buddies

Some movies can win you over with just a single performance. Drinking Buddies to me is one of those movies thanks to Olivia Wilde. Straight from the start she makes her character a very likeable one. A woman who acts like one of the guys and is cool to be around. As the movie progresses her character starts struggling with things that happen in her life and I started to feel for her.

Review of Drinking Buddies

Before I continue it might be a good idea to let you know what Drinking Buddies is about. Kate (Olivia Wilde) is working at a brewery and does the administrative work. She regularly goes out for drinks with her colleagues. One of them, Luke (Jake Johnson), she’s close friends with and the two hang out a lot without it being romantic (they both have a relationship). These actors really have a believable chemistry and its supporting cast does a fine job as well. This is the first movie I have seen directed by Joe Swanberg, but I enjoyed what I saw.

Review of Drinking Buddies

The cool thing about this movie is that the story does not automatically goes where you are expecting it to. People always try to put movies in categories, but this one doesn’t. I guess this would be forced into the romcom as it does have that tension the genre has, but it is not a perfect fit. Exactly because of that some people might not like this movie as it does not do what they might want. I thought it felt fresh and the relationships portrayed in the movie felt lifelike. Drinking Buddies is not a movie everyone will be able to enjoy, but if you like great performances then Olivia Wilde alone is enough reason to check out this film.

13 thoughts on “Drinking Buddies (2013)

  1. I saw this come up on my list of films to watch, and I wasn’t terribly interested, to be honest. But this might just tip the film into a “lazy watch” category….. Nice review, Nostra!

  2. Great review. I agree, this film is not for everyone. Too me this is my favorite because of the performances and the chemistry, I thought it was a very beautiful film!

  3. Watching this movie, I couldn’t help but feel as if I was just hanging out with my buddies, drinking, shooting the shit and having a great time. The only difference is that none of my friends are as good-looking as any of these people here. Good review Nostra.

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