Announcing the Life, Love and the Movies blogathon

Life, love and the movies blogathon

After having lots of fun with the 5 Obstructions blogathon last year it was time to start a new blogathon. Together with Karamel Kinema (who is responsible for the awesome logos) we want invite you to participate in the Life, Love and the Movies blogathon. As you can probably guess it is about your connection to movies.

What do you need to do?

Life, Love and the Movies blogathon

Give answers to the following 16 questions


1. What was the first movie you saw in the cinema and what do you remember about that visit?
2. Are there any movies you have very strong memories of which are not because of the movie (for example something which happened at the time you were watching it)?
3. Which movies had a big impact on you and changed a (small) part of your view on life?
4. Do you have any comfort movies which you return to because you are in a specific mood (for example if you are feeling down/nursing a heartbreak)?
5. If a movie would be made about your life, what type of movie would it be and who would you like to portray you?
6. Which existing movie best represents you?
7. If you knew you would die tomorrow, what would be the last movie you would want to see?
8. If you can spend your life working in the film industry, what would you be and why? (you know, director, producer, actor, cinematographer, costume designer, sound designer etc?)

Life, love and the movies blogathon


1. Did you ever have a first kiss with someone while at the cinema and if so which movie was playing?
2. What is your favorite movie relationship and why?
3. When did your love for movies start and how has it grown?
4. If you have to choose one film to watch with your loved one, what would it be and why?
5. If you can choose one character from a movie to be your significant other who would it be and why?
6. What was the first movie that made you fall in in love with film and cinema?
7. How did your passion for movies turn you into a movie blogger?
8. What is your favorite date from a movie?

Write a blog post about it

Include one of the blogathon logos from this page in your post

Add a link to this blogathon announcement so others can participate as well:

Leave a comment here with a link to your post

I will create an overview post to make sure you entries can be easily found. We hope you are interested in participating and are looking forward to your entry.

92 thoughts on “Announcing the Life, Love and the Movies blogathon

  1. Wow! Amazing questions….. Don’t know if i have answers to all, may have to do some thinking, but it would make for an exciting read if I could just sit, think and write!

    Great one guys.

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  10. Pingback: Blogathon: Life, Love and the Movies | Elemental Reviews

  11. Pingback: Life, Love, and the Movies | Margaret Perry Movies

  12. Pingback: Life, Love and the Movies | Cinematic Delights

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