Killing Them Safely (2015) – Review

Killing them safely review

When you are the head of a police force which regularly runs into violence and where police officers are attacked during arrest, then you would be open to any means to neutralise the danger. Of course weapons are effective, but the risks are huge. Pepperspray might work, but it’s not something which will stop everyone. The taser seems to be the perfect solution, a device which will immediately floor the attacker. When you hear it has no risks attached, you receive that device with open arms.

For the only company in the world who makes tasers, Taser International, it meant a quick growth with orders from all over the world. But are those tasers really as safe as the company claims?

Killing them safely review

This documentary shows various cases in which people who were tasered weren’t able to tell their story anymore and the courtcases which came from these events. While Taser International keeps saying that their product is harmless, many details are exposed which bring doubt to that claim. By showing footage of the incidents, court cases, news items and interviews with representatives from Taser International you get a good idea of the dangers.

This movie tries to point the finger to Taser International and of course the company has some responsibility, but subjects like training and the way in which theses devices are used and when by police officers doesn’t get enough screentime. Because of that Killing Them Safely doesn’t completely succeeds in having the impact a documentary like Black Fish had. Despite that it is a movie which gives enough information to give you a good idea about this subject matter.

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