Condorman (1981) – Review

Recensie Condorman

Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Iron Man, all superheroes who are well-known to big audiences thanks to the many superhero movies that have been released during the last decade. In 1981 the movie landscape was very different. Fans of superheroes might be able to see them in TV shows, but hardly on the big screen. Disney released Condorman though. And although it has a link with comics there is a reason that many people have never heard of this “superhero” film.

Review condorman

Woody Wilkins (Michael Crawford) is a writer of comics, and to him it is important that his creation “Condorman” is realistic. In order to make sure that is the case he creates the suit that his superhero Condorman uses and tests it by jumping from the Eiffel Tower. A good friend of his, who works for the CIA, asks if he can carry out a simple assignment for him in Istanbul. He only needs to deliver a suitcase. He agrees and meets the Russian KGB agent Natalia Rambova. Instead of his real name he uses the code name Condorman. Not everything goes according to plan however. Natalia decides that she wants to defect to the west and asks the CIA if Condorman can carry out the assignment. Woody agrees, under certain conditions, and enters the world of secret agents, hitmen and intrigue.

“guilty pleasure…”

 With the thought that this is not the Disney of today, this is a mix of spy / superhero film that is reminiscent of what you see in a Roger Moore Bond movie, but more focused on a younger audience. The film has an airy tone and has some wonderful moments of action, such as a scene in which the Condorman car is chased by a number of blinded Porsches. Scenes like that, together with the simple story and humor, make this a guilty pleasure for me. Disney was sure at the time that the film would be a hit and had plans for a sequel. However, when the film flopped, it (unfortunately) never materialized.

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