Imperial Dreams (2014) – Review

Review Imperial Dreams

That it’s hard to grow up in a poor neighbourhood is something which we’ve seen in many movies throughout the years. The recent Oscar winner Moonlight is a good example of this, but usually these type of films have the same storylines. Because of that you can usually see what’s going to happen from a mile away. Is this Netflix-exclusive an exception? Continue reading

In Your Eyes (2014) – Review

Review  In Your Eyes

If there is one thing people are quick to do, is to judge others based on just a little information on them. Even if you don’t have an idea what the other has been through or what the things are they are struggling with. But what would happen if you would literally see the world through their eyes, how would that change you? That’s what this romantic movie is about. Continue reading

Pompeii (2014) – Review

Review Pomeii

After watching the terrible The Legend of Hercules, the disaster movie Pompeii was broadcast the next day. Maybe Hercules had broken me, but I decided to give this one a chance as well, because if you have survived one sand and sandals movie why not watch another one. Even if I had strong doubts about it in advance. Would this be my second bad movie night in a row? Continue reading

Girlhood (2014) – Review

review girlhood

Based purely on the title you could assume that this is the sequel to Richard Linklater’s Boyhood, a movie which personally didn’t move me as much as it seems to have done to other reviewers. Besides the title though, this movie doesn’t have many similarities. Girlhood is set in France and follows sixteen-year-old Marieme (Karidja Touré). Continue reading

Meet the Patels (2014) – Review

Review Meet the Patels

Love isn’t always easy and the subject of this documentary also struggles with it. Ravi Patel is almost 30, lives in the US and still single. His family comes from India and because he takes too long to marry according to his parents they decide to start helping him to find a wife. His family in India is informed who will help him with the search, but also in America a system is used where the information about Ravi is shared like a resume. His sister Geeta follows Ravi during his search and shows how much pressure there is from the family and how you deal with this as the person feeling that pressure. Continue reading

Time Lapse (2014) – Review

Recensie Time Lapse

Just as light can’t escape a black hole, us people really can’t get away from the forwards movement of time. There isn’t any convincing evidence that time travelers exist, but that doesn’t mean we don’t dream about it. That has resulted in interesting books, TV shows and movies which I, no matter how bad they are, enjoy checking out. Time Lapse had been on my to watch list for a while and even though not everyone was positive about it, I was curious. Continue reading

Son of a Gun (2014) – Review

Review Son of a Gun

I always liked Ewan McGregor as actor from the moment I saw him in Trainspotting. He’s an actor who doesn’t always play the same type of roles. Because of that he has a varied list of movies to his name. He’s not only in funny comedies, but had a role in Star Wars and has a lot of convincing dramatic roles, for example in The Impossible. When I saw a picture of him with a large beard in this movie set in this Australia I was very curious to see it. Continue reading

My Beautiful Broken Brain (2014) – Review

Review My Beautiful Broken Brain

At the end of last year we got a call about an aunt of us who came by our house earlier that day. That day she was complainingn about a headache and as she was walking around her house she suddenly collapsed. The ambulance was called and it turned out there was blood in her brain. To support the rest of the family we decided to head to the hospital and wait for the doctors to save her. It were a couple of very tense hours in which you think about a lot of different outcomes. When the surgery is successful how long will it take for her to wake up and if that happens will she still be the same? Has there been damage making her unable to do specific things? It was a strange experience and although they did managed to save her she remained in a coma for a while. Eventually she woke up and didn’t have a lot of negative effects (except for her short term memory). When you experience something like that personally you realise something like that could happen to anyone. It was the reason I was very interested in checking out this documentary, available through Netflix. Continue reading

A Hard Day (2014) – Review

A Hard Day review

Luckily I don’t have them often, but there are these days when everything you do seems to go wrong. Trains don’t run, appliances suddenly stop working, food doesn’t turn out the way you want, you name it. Murphy’s Law often seems to be right: Everything which can go wrong, will go wrong. And that’s exactly what the main character in this movie experiences himself. Continue reading