Religulous (2008)

As I was recently listening to the Slashfilm podcast about Prometheus, they mentioned an interview with Ridley Scott on (the following sentences contain some minor spoiler for the movie). Ridley Scott mentioned that their one of the considerations for the movie was that the reason the architects wanted to destroy the earth was because they sent and embassador who ended up being crucified around 2000 years ago. Had this idea been used in the movie I’m sure it would have been very controversial. This documentary makes fun of religion, which is controversial, and comedian Bill Maher goes head on, interviewing people about religion and not holding back in letting them know his own opinions about it. Continue reading

Prometheus (2012)

When it comes to science fiction movies I’ve got the feeling that there are way too little good ones out each year, so when I heard that Ridley Scott, who’s known for great movies like Bladerunner and Alien would be releasing a new sci fi movie I couldn’t wait to see it. I managed to dodge all news and trailers about the movie, so I went in blank and without expectations. Did Prometheus manage to quench my thirst for good sci fi?
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