The Boys from Brazil (1978)

It’s April 5th, which means it is exactly 96 years ago since actor Gregory Peck was born. Ruth over at Flixchatter, who recently added him in the Top 10 Actors of all time relay race list, asked me if I could review a movie he was in. Now looking at his filmography I was surprised that I had hardly seen anything he had been in. Surely I have seen To Kill a Mockingbird (although it’s been way too long ago to remember much about it), but that was it. Something I have to admit is that I thought I had seen him in various Hitchcock movies, but I had mixed him up with James Stewart (sorry Ruth!).

So enough movies to pick from and I finally settled on Boys From Brasil. It’s a title which I had heard mentioned several times and knew it had something to do with experiments by nazis, but that was about it. It sounded like a weird movie, so I was prepared for anything. Continue reading