Handsome Harry (2009)

Harry Sweeney (Jamey Sheridan) is an ex-navy officer who has started his own company in a small town when he left the navy. He has been very succesful and is about to sell his company to retire. He receives a phone call from an old friend, Thomas Kelley (Steve Buscemi) asking him to visit and he agrees. Thomas is very ill and knows he will die soon. They start talking about the past and talk about a subject which they have been silent about for years. Together with some other friends they committed a crime. As his dying wish Thomas asks Harry to find the victim of their crime and apologise to him. For Harry it’s and unforgettable and painful journey into his own past. Continue reading

The Town (2010)

After the fantastic Gone Baby Gone (which I gave an 8 ) Ben Affleck is back with his second movie in the director’s chair. Just like that movie, this movie is also set in Boston, where Affleck grew up. During this movie a lot of bank heists take place in the city and Doug MacRay (Ben Affleck), James Coughlin (Jeremy Renner), Albert ‘Gloansy’ Magloan (Slaine) and Desmond Elden (Owen Burke) are one of the gangs responsible for them. These bank robberies are meticulously planned and the gang is very precise and professional in their execution. They wear latex gloves, are unrecognisable because of their masks and destroy any evidence that could be used against them (like putting the harddisks that are used for the surveillance cameras in the microwave) Continue reading