The Monday Question: Old posts!

As a blogger you write a lot of posts. Posts you put a lot of time in and which are usually only read the first week they are published (with a few exceptions of course). I get all new blog posts of the blogs I follow automatically sent to my mailbox and it can sometimes take a while before I read them. Looking at the dates of the comments it confirms this and I usually feel like I’m (very) late to the party.

It made me wonder:
How often do you check out older posts a blogger has written?

10 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Old posts!

  1. It depends. With my reader (now Blog Lovin’), I generally keep up with it but may fall behind by a week or two. With older posts, I’ll sometimes check them out and wish I read more. However, they generally come to my attention looking at IMDB or through links on another site. It’s hard to go back and view many older reviews because of limited time.

    • Yeah, time is an issue. When it comes to new releases i often will leave those ones unread and check them out once I have seen the movie. Leaving your links on IMDB is always a good idea.

  2. These days I’m late with my commenting. More work to do at actual work, less inclination to sit on the computer in the evenings. All of this equals me spending a bit of time on the weekend catching up with the week’s posts. Usually.

  3. I copied your system of new blog entries I follow going into their own seperate folder, and then cycling through the entry. I try and read them all, but if I am backed-up or feeled overwhelmed then I am more selective.

    There are a few blogs, yours included, that go to a different e-mail which I check daily.

  4. Yeah, considering I’ve got over 1100 posts so far gets tough to manage, ahah. As for other bloggers’ posts, well I usually scan through their page and see if there’s any post that catches my eye, but usually I only comment on their most recent stuff. Speaking of which, have u got a chance to check out my interview on The Act of Killing?

    • No, have not been able to check it out yet. I’m currently enjoying a bit of a break and am only checking out the comments here. Once I’m back to blogging I’ll check it out.

  5. That’s a lot of posts. Got you beat by a few. How DO you manage the data? I’m beginning to find it really hard to find things. I’ve been reusing, reworking many of them. If TV networks can rerun series, I guess bloggers can rerun a few posts 🙂

    • I have around 1000 posts at the moment and have been tagging them ever since I started. Besides that I think WordPress has a very good seearch function.

      Reworking is a good idea, maybe I should be doing some of that as well….

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