The Monday Question: Background!

The Monday Question

The problem with loving movies is that you really don’t have enough time to watch as much of them as you’d like. Sometimes you have other things to do, but there are always movies which either you have seen or you can easily do something else while watching them. I occasionally start movies knowing I won’t give them my full attention (for example documentaries where the information which is said is most important or movies I’ve watched before) and am wondering if you ever do the same:

Do you ever play movies in the background while you are doing something else?

14 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Background!

  1. I also put movies in the background, but it’s usually movies I’ve already seen. New movies demand my attention, and I’ll just end up repeating the whole thing once it captures my attention.

    • Yeah, when it is a first time watch (unless it is a documentary) I usually also want to give it all my attention. When I’m at home though this usually doesn’t mean I won’t pause it while I’m watching (need to get a drink or something), but besides that I’m completely with you πŸ™‚

  2. Rarely to I put on movies to watch in the background. These days it’s usually for the kids to stay quiet, but if I’ve seen it already I won’t watch it if I’ve something else to do.

    otherwise, I prefer to commit my attention to the film completely.

    • Yeah, I have to admit it doesn’t happen as often as I’d like to (that’s what you get with a couple of kids and so many new movies to be seen), but occasionally I’ll throw something on if I can while doing something else.

  3. My brain is uncapable to focus 100% on one thing.. watching movies at home, I rarely give them my whole attention and I know it sounds bad. I sometimes edit images for my blog, I sometimes go on tumblr but there are those movies that keep me fully focused too but it’s not common. I usually watch bad movies on purpose just for the noise. Multitasking is my life but sometimes I do shut everything else off and just enjoy the movie, even when I’ve seen it.

  4. If I watch a movie alone I usually will be doing something else also. I might play a game or finish something from work. If watching with others I’ll just focus on the movie out of respect for them.

  5. If I’m on my laptop, doing something on the Interwebs, it’s usually some random TV show or film I have on in the background. Since moving, it’s pretty much always a film as the channels that show stuff in English here are mostly films!

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