My Filmviews Top 100 Films: 20-11

My Filmview top 100 20-11

Today we take one step closer to my personal top 10 favourite films. In this instalment a music movie, a science fiction film and my favourite trilogy.

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20. Once

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]Carlito's Way[/mlprx]
I’m someone who generally doesn’t listen a lot to music from movies, but the Once soundtrack is one of the exceptions which I still regularly listen to as the songs really move me. With this low budget movie John Carney has delivered a masterpiece which feels very intimate. Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová, who had a relationship at the time, succeed in bringing that energy onto the screen.

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19. District 9

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]Carlito's Way[/mlprx]
Sharlto Copley shines in this debut by director Neill Blomkamp. It is a wonderful science fiction film with fantastic effects and a story which isn’t only thrilling and exciting to watch, but also delivers criticism on the way “strangers” are treated. [My review]

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18. Falling Down

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]Falling Down[/mlprx]
With its extremely black humor Falling Down is one of those movies in which Michael Douglas, in his role as William ‘D-Fens’ Foster, does exactly those things some people dream of when they are frustrated by something. Sometimes those are stupid rules, like not being able to order from a specific menu because it’s not the right time. Not only Douglas is fantastic, but also Robert Duvall is worth mentioning in his role as a police officer who is on his last day before retirement. He’s amazing in this movie and it still is one of my favourite roles of his.

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17. Goodfellas

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]Goodfellas[/mlprx]
This is a gangster movie which I can watch endlessly. Scorcese brings Henry Hill’s story to the screen wonderfully. Ray Liotta plays the role of his life, but also Robert de Niro and Joe Pesci are fantastic. “Funny how?” [My review]

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16. Dumb and Dumber

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]Dumb and Dumber[/mlprx]
Although I would rather forget the sequel as quickly as possible, the original to me is a comedy classic. Both Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels are extremely funny as two dumb friends who want to return a suitcase, but unknowingly get involved in a kidnapping case. [My review]

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15. Her

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]Her[/mlprx]
Science fiction has always been one of my favourite genres and Her tries to show in a realistic way how better artificial intelligence eventually might start a relationship with a human. Everything is right about this film, the sets look amazing and the relationship between Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson convinces. [My review]

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14. Before Midnight

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]Before Midnight[/mlprx]
To me Richard Linklater has made the best trilogy ever with his “Before” movies. The way in which we as a viewer are pulled into the lives of these two people every nine years in which we see their relationship changing is simply movie magic. As I didn’t want to put all the movies in one spot I’ve put them in order with my favourite in the highest position. Before Midnight is the last movie in the trilogy and shows how Jesse and Celine cope with keeping their relationship interesting, but also how they handle the frustrations. [My review]

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13. Before Sunset

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]Before Sunset[/mlprx]

The movie which finally gave the answer to “what happened?” after the events of the first film. Their stroll through Paris in which they tell each other about their life experiences feels realistic and for a moment make you feel like you are part of the lives of these two people.[My review]

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12. Before Sunrise

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]before sunrise[/mlprx]
The original is still my favourite of the three, simply because the innocence of both Jesse and Celine. Two people who just happen to meet, get to know each other better and fall in love. It touches the romantic in me. [My review]

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11. E.T.

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]E.T.[/mlprx]
With this movie Steven Spielberg shows that he is a master at his craft. It is a movie which still manages to move me as much as when I was a kid and that says enough about its quality. [My review]

Which of these movies have you seen?

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7 thoughts on “My Filmviews Top 100 Films: 20-11

  1. I’ve not seen any of the Before movies, but I love the rest. Anxiously looking forward to the grand finale of this exercise. Kudos to you for undertaking it.

  2. Interesting choices. Sadly, I haven’t seen the acclaimed trilogy by Linklater, but it’s one of my goals for this year after thoroughly enjoying Boyhood.
    Though I enjoyed Dumb and Dumber, I really don’t get why it is now considered a classic. Maybe it is not my kind of humor. Too silly perhaps. Her is a fantastic piece, but there’s something about how Jonze brought to life “Where the Wild Things Are” that got to me in a big way, and for that reason I prefer it.
    I certainly can’t find fault in the merits of classics like ET and Goodfellas, and I was pleasantly surprised that an innovative film like District 9 made it so far near the top.
    Good stuff!

    • Good to hear you will see them. Personally I wasn’t a fan of Boyhood, so I don’t know what that means when it comes to you liking the Before films 😉

      I guess it isn’t your kind of humor, as I do like that type of silly humor (it’s also the reason Kung Pow is a personal favorite).

      Thanks Niels, the top 10 will be up soon.

  3. Great to see the Before trilogy so high up! I love how the first film connects to the third, with a 40something couple arguing in the opening train scene in Before Sunrise, and Jesse and Celine rolling their eyes at that.

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