Movienight suggestions: What the Gyllenhaal?

tips for Movie night suggestions

So you want to organise a movie night with friends and would like to present them movies belonging to one genre. Movies they might not have seen yet, but which could surprise them. Which movies should you show? It can be a tricky thing to do. With this new series I regularly try to suggest two (or more) movies which will fit nicely together. This time two movies starring Jake Gyllenhaal. After seeing these you’ll surely have some discussions about what exactly happened and listen to various theories. In other words, real “mindfuck” movies.

Donnie Darko

Donnie Darko
The movie which meant a breakthrough for Gyllenhaal. It also made its viewers wonder what was happening. It’s about a troubled teenager who has visions of a mysterious figure in a rabbit suit telling him to do specific things. As a viewer you see which effect this has on the people around him and why he ends up doing what he does. [Full review]

Interesting facts to share:
• Gyllenhaal almost never blinks, which he did to come across more creepy
• Seth Rogen also is in this movie (it’s his first role)
• Gyllenhaal and Rogen concluded that they both didn’t have a clue what this movie was about
• Jake Gyllenhaal’s real life sister, Maggie, plays Donnie Darko’s sister, Elizabeth Darko
• Mark Wahlberg was interested in playing the role of Donnie, but didn’t want to lisp. His brother’s name is Donnie
• There is a sequel, S.Darko, which you really shouldn’t watch
• A director’s cut was made, which supposedly isn’t as good as the theatrical version


Recensie Enemy
Director Denis Villeneuve is one of my personal favorites who hasn’t made a single bad movie. Enemy is a joy to watch. It’s about Adam Bell (Gyllenhaal), a teacher who has trouble escaping the daily boredom and is shocked when sees a movie in which an actor plays who looks exactly like him. He becomes obsessed and tries to locate him. The situation keeps getting stranger and as a viewer makes you wonder what is going on. Who is who, what do the spiders mean and various other mysteries. Masterfully edited and a film which will lead to interesting conversations and theories. [Full review]

Interesting facts to share:
•According to their contracts the actors aren’t allowed to explain to the press what the spiders mean
•This movie was released the same year as The Double, which had similar subject matter
•Villeneuve als worked with Gyllenhaal on his movie Prisoners

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