The Monday Question: Eat!

When you say moviefood, the first thing most people will think of will be popcorn. It’s history has been long, with the first popcorn being made 3600 BC in New Mexico. As cinema came into existence it became popular to eat while at the movies (also because it hardly makes any sound as you eat it). Movie theatres expanded their selection and now there is a lot of choice of what to eat and drink while at the movies. Today’s Monday question is:

What is your snack of choice when going to the movies?

When it comes to my personal choice I usually go for something with chocolate, my favorite are M&M Peanuts.

As for drinks I used to always go for a Coca Cola, but lately I usually go for some juice.

What is your snack of choice when going to the movies?

27 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Eat!

  1. As much as I love sweet popcorn, I’m all about sandwiches if I’m going to be eating in the cinema… refuse to pay £6-7 for a coke and popcorn when you can get a meal deal ’round the corner for £4.

    • I agree that the prices are ridiculous. The biggest chain here gives you some percentage off if you have an unlimited card (for which you pay a fixed price each month and can see any movie you).

      I remember when I was a student we made it a sport to try and get something from outside into the cinema (as sometimes they checked). Always enjoyed eating a Burger King meal at the cinema. 🙂

  2. It is funny, but ever since I have been taking my movie watching more seriously I do not eat at all in the cinema. I can’t stand it. It annoys me when other people around me do it….

    I am a grumpy pants!

    • So cinema changed your eating habits 🙂 You take your movie watching very seriously. Do you stare at people that are eating until they stop? 😉

  3. I don’t eat at the cinema too often, though my girlfriend swears by a combination of popcorn and Raisinets. I don’t get the appeal myself, but it works for her. 🙂

  4. I usually eat before or after the cinema so I don’t usually buy snacks at the theater. Besides it’s such a rip-off, $4 bucks for a small bottled water??! No way!

  5. I’m most often at the cinema on a Wednesday (Orange Wednesday) straight after work; so it’s usually just coffee so that I don’t fall asleep. Though I will succumb to a Ben & Jerry’s chocolate fudge brownie every now and then!

    • Oohh, that’s my favorite Ben & Jerry’s ice cream as well…don’t eat it much though as I really would overdose on it if I’d let myself go 😉

  6. I’m with Russ, we head to the cinema on Wednesday (for Orange Wednesdays) as well and normally grab a large popcorn and drink as we haven’t eaten yet. You have to get there early as the cinema on a Wednesday is very, very popular!

  7. I am a sucker for the classic coke and a bag of popcorn! (basically make it a “heartattack in a bag” with butter, salt, more butter, and salt! mmm) haha.

    sometimes I gotta get the hot dog too! 🙂

    -T (previously TheScarletSp1der)

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