The Monday Question: Direct!

The weekend has passed again, so it’s that time of the week that I’m asking you all a question again. I really enjoyed the weekend (even had time to finally do a slight update on the look of the site, which I wanted to do for ages) and of course watched some movies (rewatched Back to the Future 1 and 2, A Separation and The Fall) and while I started watching a documentary about documentaries I started wondering something. This week’s question is:
If you had to direct a movie, which genre would you choose?

Now I know some of you participate in the feature over at Anomolous Material where you can pitch you own movie, but since not everyone does I’m really interested what would be your personal preference. I thought long and hard about this question and was first thinking about either science fiction or action. Then I started thinking that if I really had to do it and someone handed me a camera and told me to come back with a movie I would most likely make a documentary. The thing is with a documentary is that you would probably have more control over the subject matter, how you should and edit it and that is something I would really enjoy. Although I don’t do it any more, when I used to go on holiday alone I’d bring my camera and shoot stuff and narrate it like a travel show, so my friends and family would be able to watch something interesting. You all know the feeling of someone showing you their holiday film and the shots are too long, there’s not too much going on and you have trouble staying awake through it all. So making a documentary would probably be very enjoyable. As for the subject matter? I’m not too sure as I would probably do a lot of reading and investigating before I’d start shooting something. My first gut feeling might be something like movie history in my own town. Documentaries usually don’t make much money, but it would be something close to my heart and that’s something that’s the most important in the end.

If you had to direct a movie, which genre would you choose?

34 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Direct!

  1. I think this is a tough question as I am a fan of so many genre’s… but I have to say directing a Sci-fi epic would be great and hard to top in my eyes. Just watching the trailer for Prometheus gives me goosebumps!!

  2. I’m with you on documentary… I like filming for my friends band and we have made some little web episodes following their time in the studio. I’d like to make a doc on how much determination it takes to keep being in a band when you’ve been at it for over a decade and not really moved on.

    But I’d also love to give horror a go too. Something with big limitations- one location, a couple of characters. I loved the ‘method’ directing technique of Blair Witch. I love editing so it would be fun to just have loads of footage to play with and cut down to a manageable story.

    • Nice to see another documentary maker! πŸ™‚

      I used to film a lot and when I went snowboarding with friends I used to make a lot of work out of editing them. Although I don’t do it as much anymore I know it’s a skill I can tap into any time. Even did a couple of weddings a couple of years back.

      Horror is not my thing, so this might help in making something that feel fresh. Like the limitations you mention.

  3. Hmmm, good one Nostra, not sure that I want to direct, I’d rather be a screenwriter. But if I had the talent and opportunity, I guess I’d love to direct a romantic thriller, as it’s quite rare in Hollywood. Another genre I’d love to see more of is sci-fi romance, kind of like ‘Upside Down’ which trailer was released a few months ago (

    • That does sounds like an interesting type of movie, romantic thriller. As soon as it is a romantic movie it’s either a rom com or a drama….

  4. Though I’m not the world’s biggest horror fan, I think it would be great fun to make a low budget horror. In a similar vein to other directors starting out (Sam Raimi with Evil Dead, or Peter Jackson with Bad Taste) I think it would be really entertaining to do a lot of the special effects yourself in your shed or wherever! So cheap splatter movie for me!

    • πŸ™‚ I remember watching part of Bad Taste when I was a teenager and switching it off because it was way too weird for me. Shooting something like that though could be a lot of fun.

  5. Hi, Nostra and company:

    I’d have to have to opt for Film Noir.

    Partially due to its having a reputation for low budgets (Lights cost MONEY!) and living about 25 minutes by car from Washington, DC.

    A city that’s made for walking. Is beautiful at night around Constitution Avenue and the M and K Street corridors. Also possessing a decent night life and an abundance of streetlights and streets begging to he sheened in rain that hide many side streets and deep, dark gloomy alleyways.

    That it has a surplus of lawyers, lobbyists and is the seat of national power is also a definite plus. Even if not one corporate headquarters resides there.

    • Hi, Eric:

      It’s all about atmosphere. And DC. reeks of it.

      Hammett and Chandler are required reading for any Film Noir enthusiast. Another is the late, great Ross Thomas.

      Who specialized in large and small dirty deals in DC and L.A. from the early 1960s to 1980s. Specifically, ‘Cast A Yellow Shadow”, ‘The Money Harvest’, ‘The Yellow Dog Contract’, ‘If You Can’t Be Good’, ‘Chinaman’s Chance’ and ‘Twilight at Mac’s Place’.

      Any could easily be developed into a screenplay and made into decent films.

      • So I think you two could hook up to direct a film noir together πŸ˜‰ Jack, love the way you describe DC…only reading that I’m already interested in watching a movie you would make πŸ™‚

  6. Wow – tough question! I love watching sci-fi and really great fantasy films, but I don’t think I’ve got the imagination or creativity to be able to pull it off.

    Love my action films, but the really great and memorable ones have that something else in the direction, which I’d love to be able to do, but … don’t think it’s where my strength lies!

    I like the idea of doing a documentary. Making something very real. That’s probably where I’d lean to too!

    • Well, you are photographer, so I think you have the right eye to direct anything and frame it nicely as well. Which subject would you choose to do the documentary on?

  7. I always thought that if I filmed anything it would be in a “Clerks” style. Me and mates just chatting and then filming the best moments and even trying to put together some kind of story. I’d probably think it was a lot funnier and cooler than it actually was though.

  8. If I’d direct a movie, probably a drama movie though I know it musn’t easy. I know the feeling of seeing someone’s holiday movie, it’s tricky if you want to edit them but some people who are in it don’t want it to be shorter/too short/miss anything. But filming documentary is great too, but surely with the subject that interest us πŸ™‚

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