Blind Fury (1989)

This poster summarises exactly what you can expect when watching this movie, an action movie with some humour. It’s the kind of action movie that is not being made anymore. Rutger Hauer is Nick Parker (which is a great name for an action hero).
At the beginning of the movie we see Parker walking around aimlessly having lost his sight. He is rescued by some locals (no idea why they would do this) and they for some reason decide to learn him to use a sword and defend himself. It’s a simple but effective setup for the rest of the movie.

When he returns to the US he finds out that one of his army friends has gone missing. Together with the son of his friend, Billy (yes, the perfect 80’s movie name for a kid), he goes on a journey to find him. This results in a lot of situations where he can show his fighting, his skills with the sword and of course the one liners. Although he kills a lot of bad guys with his sword no blood is shown.

It was fun to see Terry O’Quinn (who most Lost fans will know as als John Locke) in this movie. At the time he wasn’t as famous as he is now and it just adds a little bit extra to a movie when you see such an actor playing a small role in an old movie.
What surprised me about this movie was that the movie does not show what happens to the main bad guy. You have no idea whether he escapes or if Parker actually killed him, but it actually does not matter.

Blind Fury is a perfect example of the sort of action movies that were made during the eighties, with just the right combination of fighting, a bit of drama and a lot of humour. Just add some synthesizer music and you have the perfect mix for a great action movie. It’s not one of the best action movies there are, but it’s the kind of movie that I really enjoy watching.

Score: 8

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