800th Post!

As you can see I’ve slightly changed the look of the site. The occasion? First of all I decided to finally make the movie from wordpress.com to a self hosted blog and I must say it was fairly easy (except for getting the images onto the new host and changing of the url). I’m still figuring out some “behind the scenes” issues, like my post preview not working, but I wasn’t expecting it all to go so smoothly.

The other reason for the move to a self hosted blog is that I wanted to have more freedom when it comes to plugins, scripts and themes. So a fresh look, which I will probably be tweaking for the coming weeks, so expect some small changes. If you run into issues please let me know and I’ll look into it.

As far as I can see it was impossible to transfer all the subscriptions (if anyone knows a way please let me know), so you’ll have to follow again.