Celeste & Jesse Forever (2012)

Review of the movie Celeste and Jesse Forever (2012)

Breaking up is one of the hardest decisions to make and after having been married for a while Celeste (Rashida Jones) and Jesse (Andy Samberg) decide to separate. The only thing though is that you wouldn’t be able to tell. They still spend all their time together, doing fun things and joking together. Their friends even freak out about it, how can you decide to separate, but remain so close? Even as you are watching it you see their chemistry. Is it possible to be and stay friends? Continue reading

Hot Rod (2007)

The Lonely Island have made their name with performances in Saturday Night Live and their music. Examples are Jizz in my pants, Like a Boss, Dick in a Box and the Grammy nominated I’m on a boat (the video is just comedy gold). The titles of these number probably say a lot about the expectations you will have about third first movie, Hot Rod. Continue reading