The Many Faces of… Andy Serkis

Andy Serkis roles movies

Andy Serkis is an actor who, ever since the Lord of the Rings movies, has been the face of motion capture. He has played various characters which, through a combination of his amazing talent and the talent of the animators who turn that performance into a digital character (whether that’s Gollum, King Kong or Caesar for example), have been extremely memorable and believable. Often people forget that he has also acted in various other movies, with his own face, without digital magic. Time to have a look at the roles of Andy Serkis. Continue reading

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)

Review Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

After the bad reboot of the franchise by Tim Burton it seemed that it wasn’t possible to breath new life into this old movie series. My expectations for Rise of the Planet of the Apes was extremely low, but the movie managed to surprise me in an extremely positive way and even ended up in my top 10 of 2011. I was looking forward to the sequel and wondered if it could retain the high quality of the first film. Continue reading

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

Yes, it is the movie with the title I’ve made most fun of this year. Of course there wouldn’t be any other way to make it clear to the movie going audience that this is a prequel to the classic Planet of the Apes. It has been a couple of years since I last saw that, but that ending is one of those twists that deserves a spot in a list of unexpected endings. After that a couple of sequels were made (which I didn’t watch) and even Tim Burton tried his hand at a remake (which the critics really didn’t like). With that history lesson out of the way the question is whether this prequel is worth checking out. How did those “damn dirty apes” manage to take control of the planet? Continue reading