Avengers: Endgame (2019) – Review

Avengers Endgame review
After my wedding last week and short honeymoon, Avengers: Endgame was the next big event on the calendar (I have to admit that I, only for a moment, thought about heading to the press screening a day after the wedding, but decided that would probably be a bad idea). A film that isn’t only the sequel to Avengers: Infinity War, but also a title that Marvel has been working towards for the past eleven years. A sort of end to an era, just as film lovers felt about Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and other franchises. Although it is not the last Marvel film, it does largely feel like the last chapter in a series. After more than twenty films in this series, the fans have come to know and love these characters and Endgame takes them almost literally through the entire MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Is it one of the best superhero films? Continue reading