Bastille Day (2016) – Review

Review Bastille Day

What’s the reason we watch movies? Is it to be entertained? To experience art? Or simply to kill time? The answer will differ from person to person, but movies do offer us the ability to experience something someone else is going through. While watching you might recognise something of yourself in a chracter or how you react to events which you normally don’t encounter. Movies also can be a reflection of what is going on in society. It can look at a specific issue (like the use of drones in films like Eye in the Sky and Good Kill) and make the ethical side understandable. It can make us face our biggest fears. Horror movies might be the first thing you’ll think of, but this is also the case with dramatic films. Bastille Day is about terrorism in Paris. After the various attacks all over Europe it’s a sensitive subject, which is why I started to watch this movie with mixed feelings. Continue reading