Being George Clooney (2016) – Review

Review Being George Clooney

When growing up I, like probably most children, watched quite a lot of TV. Most of the cartoons weren’t in Dutch, but in English (and I sometimes watch German tv as well). Thanks to those English cartoons I could pick up on a lot when I finally got English lessons at school. Through the years that has changed and now most of the entertainment aimed at children (both on TV/VOD and in the cinema) has been dubbed. It is something I’m not a fan of, because it will take children longer to learn a foreign language. Luckily there are schools who start with English lessons as soon as the kids join the school, but I think entertainment could add something extra. So slowly dubbing has become the norm in the Netherlands. In other countries though, like Italy, France or Germany that has been the case for ages. This documentary, Being George Clooney, mainly focusses on voice actors who play the role of George Clooney in various countries, including Turkey, India, Brazil, Germany, Italy and France. Continue reading