The Last Starfighter (1984)

Review The Last Starfighter2015 small blindspot

During one of my blogathons I read on Rodney’s Fernby Films, that this movie had a lot of impact on him, which made me curious about it. For him growing up it was a movie (besides The Neverending Story) which gave him the idea he could be more than he was. It was the main reason for me to add this movie to my Blindspot series this year. Of course it also helped that this is a science fiction movie from the eighties, which also comes with a lot of nostalgia. Continue reading

Three Colors: White (1993)

ReviewThree Colors White2015 small blindspot

My third movie in my Blindspot series I’ve watched (yes, I know I’m a bit behind) is the second movie from the Three colors trilogy by director Krzysztof Kieslowski. After being really impressed by the first movie, I couldn’t wait to find out if the movie would be as good or even better.

Even though the movies are part of a trilogy, it isn’t really necessary to watch them in order (at least that’s the case for the first two I saw, have to see if that’s the case for the third one). There are small moments which link the movies (if you blink you might miss them), but each movie is a separate film. Continue reading

Almost Famous (2000)

Review Almost Famous 2015 small blindspotSo to start the year strong I thought it was a good idea to kick off the year with watching one of my “Blindspot” movies for 2015. I had never watched it and the only thing I read about it that it had to do with the rock scene. As that really isn’t my genre of music I never watched it. But as these things go I kept seeing it being reviewed positively by other bloggers and decided to add it to my “to watch” list and have now come around to seeing it.

Not knowing anything about it I was very surprised going in to see the amount of names of well-known actors who are in this movie: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Frances McDormand, Billy Crudup, Zooey Deschanel and Jason Lee to name just a few. And it turned out those names aren’t the only good thing about this film. Continue reading

2015 Blindspot series

2015 Blind Spot Series

The last couple of years I’ve seen a lot of fellow bloggers participating in the Blindspot series, in which they pick classic movies they have not seen yet and should be part of their “movie knowledge”. When I saw posts by both Ruth from Flixchatter and Dan from Public Transportation Snob I thought this had to be the year I’d join in as well. My picks consist of movies that have been in my to watch list for way too long or I’ve seen praised by other bloggers (for example I know that The Last Starfighter had a big impact on Rodney from Fernby Films). Continue reading