The Monday Question: Cinema annoyances!

It’s Monday and this past weekend the LAMMY winner for best blogathon was announced. Although I was nominated I (unfortunately) did not win, but I’m happy to congratulate Mettel Ray for her Movie Alphabet blogathon. We have already decided we’ll go head to head for next year’s Lammy, so look forward to some great blogathons. Now back to the regular program, this week’s question:

Going to the cinema is something which we all do as almost nothing beats seeing movies on a huge screen. A lot of frustration at the cinema will come from your fellow moviegoers, whether it’s because they are looking at their phone during the movie, talking loudly or eating smelly food, these are simply facts about seeing a movie at the cinema which we won’t be able to change. But forget about the other people watching the movie and look at the cinema itself, that’s what this week’s Monday question is about:

What’s the most annoying thing about your local cinema which you wish they’d change?

I have to say that the cinemas I go to are very good so the annoyances are pretty small. The only things I’d like to see different would be that in one of the cinemas there are only two spot to pay for the snacks, which means there are usually huge lines. It always surprises me as that’s the place where a cinema makes the most money. The second thing is that sometimes the lights will be turned on before the credits have finished (or sometimes even during the last scene). I’m interested to hear about your annoyances.