The Monday Question: Substance!

Last week I asked you if you sometimes feel like blogging is becoming another task instead of something you really enjoy doing. I got some great reactions and although I am still not back in full blogging mode (as you have noticed my “The Many Faces of…” posts are still not appearing) I am trying to get back into the swing of things. Actually my fourth entry for the 5 Obstructions blogathon challenges me a bit to really spend some time writing in a different way as I’m used to (the post is still not ready, but hopefully will be soon) and that helps. Writing such a long review did make think about the content of what each of us is writing and made me wonder:

What is it in a review which makes you read more of that reviewer?

As a review is an opinion of just one person I really enjoy reviews if someone shares personal stuff as well and makes it part of the review. It describes their experience in relation to the movie and how it impacts them. I don’t necessarily need a long review….even some reviews which only use 140 characters can be enough if I only want to know if a movie is any good. Interested in what you are looking for in a review!