Trance (2013)

Review of the movie Trance

Danny Boyle to me is one of the most interesting directors around. Looking at his filmography the movies he has directed are all very different in subject matter. Movies he has made include Shallow Grave, Trainspotting, The Beach, 28 Days Later, Sunshine, Slumdog Millionaire and 127 Hours. Trance is the next movie in his impressive career and the concept of this movie is an original one and could have easily been a Hitchcock movie with secrets deeply locked away somewhere needing to be uncovered. Continue reading

Shallow Grave (1994)

Review of the Danny Boyle movie Shallow Grave (1994)

Although I have not seen each and every movie Danny Boyle has directed I can say that I’m a fan of his work. I’ve seen movies like 127 Hours, Slumdog Millionaire, The Beach, A Life Less Ordinary and now this one. Shallow Grave could have easily been directed by someone like Hitchcock, because it’s a movie full of suspense and unexpected twists. Continue reading

127 Hours (2010)

127 Hours is tells the true story of Aron Ralston, a mountain climber who had an unfortunate fall, where a rock fell onto his right arm, trapping him. (for those who don’t know the story there is a spoiler following, highlight to read) [spoiler]In the end he had to cut of his own arm to survive.[/spoiler]
Even if you do know the story, is this film is worth watching? Do you really want to be stuck in one place for almost an entire movie, like we’ve seen in Buried? Continue reading