Dirty Grandpa (2016) – Review

Recensie Dirty Grandpa

In general I will finish watching every movie I press play on. That sometimes mean I will have a heard time to keep watching, but also that for some movies I will watch them at slightly higher speeds. Lately I’ve been questioning myself why I force myself to finish each movie I start. I think it is because I’m able to give my opinion about a film (because a movie might become better later on), but is that the real reason? Or does it simply give my some kind of satisfaction to be able to say I’ve finished it and add it to the number of movies I watched as some sort of reward? Isn’t it better to spend my time on a good movie which I actually enjoy? Sometimes it can be fun writing a review of a horrible film, because it allows you to air your frustration. Still, Dirty Grandpa almost managed to get me to stop it before it ended. Continue reading