Tyrannosaur (2011)

Tyrannosaur review
Brutal, vicious and terrifying are the first things I think of when I think of a Tyrannosaur. This isn’t a movie set in prehistoric times and it doesn’t have any ties to Jurassic Park. Those initial feelings do come pretty close in describing this movie though. Continue reading

Das Boot (1981)

review of Das Boot
My stack of of DVDs that I still have to watch has been big for ages. Some movies have been in it for years and Das Boot was one of them. I heard amazing stories about this film, but because of its length (close to 5 hours) I never made the time to sit down for it, until recently. Continue reading

Albert Nobbs (2011)

Albert Nobbs review

As you know I usually go into the movies without knowing anything about it. Albert Nobbs was part of a preview festival I went to and apart from a thumbnail of the poster I went in blank. No idea what it was about and who played in it. When the movie started I saw the name Glenn Close show up on the screen and although it vaguely rang a bell I really couldn’t think of a face that matched the name. When the movie started I got an uncomfortable feeling. Continue reading

Another Earth (2011)

Humanity has always wondered if we are alone in the universe. Is life on this tiny grain of sand on the vast beach called the universe unique? With UFO sightings and projects like SETI we are looking for answers, but have still not found an answer. In this movie another earth appears and people want to find out more about it. One of them is Rhoda Williams (Brit Marling), a young student who looks up at the sky when she hears about it and in doing so causes a horrible accident which changes her own life and that of others. Continue reading

The Descendants (2011)

The Descendants review
What’s the first thing you think of when I say Hawaii? It’s probably nice wheather, hula dancers and lots of beauty. If you think in movies you might think of Lilo and Stitch, but all these images are bright and beautiful and really makes it feel like a holiday. The Descendants is set on Hawaii too, but does away with those initial feelings about the islands and uses it as a setting for a family drama. Continue reading

50/50 (2011)

50/50 review

Sometimes you must not believe everything you read. I try to read as little as I can about any movie I want to see, but I did catch some things about 50/50. Everywhere I read about this movie it was described as “a comedy about cancer”. I can imagine a lot of people being shocked about that. How can you make fun of something so serious and I was interested to find out how it was handled. Last year I wouldn’t have believed that a comedy about terrorism would be, but Four Lions showed that you can make anything funny. So what’s the verdict on 50/50? Continue reading

Schindler’s List (1993)

There are some movies which you know you really have to see, but somehow never had. The reason I didn’t watch Schindler’s List before was mainly because of its heavy subject matter and it’s length. Before you watch it you already know it’s going to be tough to watch and that you won’t be feeling very happy afterwards. It might have taken some years, but now I finally have seen it and what an amazing piece of cinema it is. Continue reading

We Need To Talk About Kevin (2011)

review of We Need To Talk About Kevin

Everyone can remember the news stories about lone kids going on a killing spree in their schools. Stories about Columbine, Cal Tech or a recent one in a shopping mall in my own country shock. It’s incomprehensible why someone would do something like that. What we often forget is that these people have parents and that it’s hard to understand what they are going through. Are they to blame for what has happened, didn’t they raise their kid the right way? These are the questions that this movie explores. Does it manage to do so successfully? Continue reading

Full Metal Jacket (1987)

Another movie in the IMDB top 250 I’ve hadn’t watched yet and it was time I did. I’m now slowly getting to my goal of having seen 200 out of 250 movies by the end of the year (currently only 9 to go so I’m sure I’ll be able to make it).

Knowing this is a Stanley Kubrick movie I had high expectations of it, have seen several of his other ones (most of them I loved), so was looking forward to it. The only scene I had ever seen was the iconic opening scene where the drill instructor (R. Lee Ermey) is screaming against all the new recruits. It’s such an amazing scene to watch, especially knowing that a lot of it was improvised. When watching it you can’t help but laugh. Continue reading

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007)

Through the years I’ve seen lots of movies where people are stuck somewhere. It can be in a building (Die Hard), a coffin (Buried), under a rock (127 Hours) or in a phone booth (well..Phone booth). Never before had I seen a movie where the main character is trapped inside his own body. Jean-Dominique Bauby (Mathieu Amalric) wakes up completely paralysed. His brain is fully functioning, but he can’t express himself anymore. The only thing he can move is his left eyelid and it is his only way to communicate with others. By using this form of communication he is able to express himself and write a book. The amazing thing about this movie though is that it is a true story. Continue reading