The Many Faces of… Emile Hirsch

Overview pictures Emile Hirsch movies roles

This week I decided to take a look at the career of Emile Hirsch. Born on March 13, 1985 in Topanga, California he grew up in Los Angeles and Sante Fe. Thanks to his sister he got interested in acting and it was already at the age of 8 that he had his first role in Woodstock, Illinois. After that he started appearing in television shows (3rd Rock from the Sun, Early Edition, Two of a Kind, Promised Land) and TV movies. After playing a role in NYPD Blue he started getting cast for more serious roles and he appeared in ER for two episodes. His first movie was The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys. Other movies included The Girl Next Door, The Mudge Boy, Imaginary Heroes and Lords of Dogtown. Into the Wild is the movie where I first noticed him as it was an impressive movie, partly thanks to his acting. Other movies he has starred in include Speed Racer, Milk, Taking Woodstock, The Darkest Hour and Prince Avalanche. Continue reading

Prince Avalanche (2013)

Review Prince Avalanche

Each movie has an audience. No matter how bad/weird/abstract a movie is there will be people who will love it and who will watch it endlessly. Earlier this year I reviewed Robert Redford’s All Is Lost, a movie which I really could not appreciate, but I know it will receive a lot of praise as well. I feel Prince Avalanche is also one of those movies. It is not something I was able to enjoy, but there is definitely an audience for it. Continue reading

Speed Racer (2008)

After the success of the Matrix trilogy (of which I think only the first one was really good) the Wachowskis were a “hot property” in Hollywood. With their love for comics, they wrote them for Marvel before they started making movies, they adapted V for Vendetta to the big screen. It turned out that this wasn’t their last comic book adaptation as they decided to make Speed Racer their next project. Although the original was a popular manga in Japan, it became big in the US as well when it broadcasted as a cartoon during the sixties. For the movie adaptation they received a budget of 120 million and they have managed to create a unique movie. Continue reading