Francofonia (2015) – Review

Review Francofonia

How far along are you with your Blindspot movies of this year? Although this movie wasn’t part of my selection (and I have to confess I still have to watch more of my Blindspot films than I should) it does have a link with them. This movie has been directed by Aleksandr Sokurov, who also was responsible for Russian Ark. Which was 99-minute one shot film which used 2000 extras. Impressive to hear, but the film itself wasn’t for me. In my own words: “has no plot and no character development. The actors never felt convincing and as there isn’t any focus storywise the camera just roams around.”. It’s always possible that one movie from a specific director isn’t your cup of tea, so Francofonia was the second chance. Would it be the final one? Lees verder