From Bedrooms to Billions: The Amiga Years (2016) – Review

Review From bedroom to billions the amiga years

Although I now spend more time watching movies than I do playing games, they were my first love when it comes to entertainment. My father was always interested in the latest developments and as a little boy I was therefore lucky to be able to enjoy that. It all started with a Pong machine from Tandy and I must have spent hours playing tennis on a small black and white TV. The next machine was an Atari 2600 and I used it for years, even liked playing E.T. (which is generally seen as one of the worst games ever made). After that we went through a lot of machines in a very short time (like MSX, MSX2 and Commodore 64), which meant I kept playing the latest games. I still have fond memories of those machines, but it was the Amiga 500 which really left a huge impression. Continue reading