GameLoading: Rise of the Indies (2015)

Game Loading Rise of the Indies

Besides my love for movies, gaming has always been quite an important part to me when it comes to entertainment. Even though I still am interested in it I’ll have to admit that I don’t play as much as I used to. There was a time in which I religiously bought Edge magazine and read it back to back. I knew which games would be worth checking out and which ones I was going to purchase. Times have changed though as the number of unplayed games in my collection is way too high to actually consider buying new ones. When I can decide between gaming of watching a movie I usually pick the latter and if I game it probably is more on my mobile than on my console.

The past few year various game related documentaries were released. Some were about arcade games like The King of Kong, The King of Arcades en 100 Yen: The Japanese Arcade Experience. Documentaries like Atari: Game Over en Indie Game: The Movie. GameLoading: Rise of the Indies can now be added to that. Continue reading