Last Action Hero (1993)

Last Action Hero review

Recently Empire magazine did an article on The Last Action Hero, which apparently was a big flop when it was released. It had an estimated budget of $85 million and didn’t make back the money after it’s run in the US. Of course its worldwide release made sure it made more than that, but it didn’t perform as the studio was expecting. I remember seeing it when it came out in the cinema and actually really liked it. Of course I was much younger then, so it was time for a revisit. Continue reading

Blogathon: Houdini’s Magic Ticket

Dan from Top 10 Films recently started a Blogathon about Houdini’s Magic Ticket. Funny thing is that I watched Last Action Hero last week (my review of it will be up on Friday) and was wondering the exact same thing! For those that never saw the movie, the ticket allows you to go into any movie and be part of it or take characters from a movie and take them to the real world or get them into other movies. So I had to join in on this wonderful journey of movie possibilities. What would I do? You can read it after the break! Continue reading