My Beautiful Broken Brain (2014) – Review

Review My Beautiful Broken Brain

At the end of last year we got a call about an aunt of us who came by our house earlier that day. That day she was complainingn about a headache and as she was walking around her house she suddenly collapsed. The ambulance was called and it turned out there was blood in her brain. To support the rest of the family we decided to head to the hospital and wait for the doctors to save her. It were a couple of very tense hours in which you think about a lot of different outcomes. When the surgery is successful how long will it take for her to wake up and if that happens will she still be the same? Has there been damage making her unable to do specific things? It was a strange experience and although they did managed to save her she remained in a coma for a while. Eventually she woke up and didn’t have a lot of negative effects (except for her short term memory). When you experience something like that personally you realise something like that could happen to anyone. It was the reason I was very interested in checking out this documentary, available through Netflix. Continue reading