Ooops! Noah is Gone… (2015)

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As a father and movielover there are moments I have been looking forward to for a while. When your children are growing up you want to teach them a lot of things and sharing my passion for movies definitely is one of them. I already started doing that at home by showing the youngest one movies like Dumbo, Ponyo and Fantasia, but I was waiting for the moment that my four-year old was ready to go to the cinema for the first time. I waited a while because I didn’t want to do it too early as the experience could be too overwhelming and resulting in her not willing to go anymore for a couple of years. But earlier this year I felt that the moment was there to try when she saw the posters for this film and told me she wanted to see it. After a quick check online to see if it was a movie that was right for her, it was time to head to the cinema. Continue reading