Predestination (2014)

Review Predestination

Time is something we experience as something which just flow over us, a one-way stream we can’t influence ata ll. We can move in space freely, but it is impossible to step back 10 minutes. Of course literature and movies have invented the time machine for that, which allows for various adventures. Often changes made in the past change the future resulting in a new timeline.

But what if that isn’t the case? What if everything we experience can’t be influenced at all? A world in which everything, including our choices and movements (including those by using a time machine) are all set in stone? Free will would not exist and our lives would be like a movie which you can start endlessly, always playing the same way. A question like “who was first: the chicken or the egg?” irrelevant. They just are at a specific moment in time and don’t need explaining. Predestination uses this concept for a very fascinating film. Continue reading