Shutter Island (2010)

Shutter island is the next collaboration between Scorsese en DiCaprio, after previous films like the Aviator, the Departed and Gangs of New York.  I watched the movie in the cinema, but because of a game of squash (which I hadn’t played in months) I was so exhausted that I didn’t manage to stay awake the whole movie. I saw most of it, but dozed off a couple of times. Because of this  I can’t write my review the way I would like to as I have not seen it all in the state I should have seen it. It’s a shame, but sometimes the power of sleep if stronger than the will to watch a movie. Despite this I do want to write down my opinion of the movie.

DiCaprio plays a marshall who tries to solve a case on Shutter Island. It seems that not too many people are willing to cooperate. Despite me being so tired i already had an idea what the result would be of the investigation. The story didn’t  move along quickly, which actually wasn’t a bad thing. Nice to see that De Niro (with whom Scorsese has made many movies before). I would like to see the movie again to pay attention to all the clues. I expected more of this movie though, so I left the theatre slightly disappointed (and very tired).

Provisional score: 7 (whenever I watch it again I will see if I can change the score)