Buried (2010)

Is it possible to make a movie in just one location and make it interesting? Hitchcock has shown it can be done with the now classic Rear Window. Another movie (which has more locations, but does end up in one location for a long time) is Phone Booth with Colin Farrell (have seen it many times). A third example is of course Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs, which almost feels like a play. In all these movies the actors are not alone on the screen as there are other characters the those main characters are interacting with. This is not the case with Buried.

During 95 minutes you are looking at Paul Conroy (Ryan Reynolds), a truck driver who was working in Iraq, who has been trapped in a coffin, buried. The only things he has are a Blackberry, a Zippo, a pencil and some glow sticks. Does this setting work as good as in the other movies that are set in one location? Continue reading