Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) – Review

Review Rogue One A Star Wars Story

‘Ignorance is bliss’ is a phrase I love and one which I try to use as much as possible when it comes to movies. Of course I’m not talking about not knowing history, but about that wonderful feeling when a movie manages to surprise you, wow you and make you enthusiastic. Stepping into a cinema without any knowledge about what you are about to experience for the next two hours is a feeling I cherish, even if the movie ends up being disappointing and doesn’t meet expectations. Before seeing Rogue One I knew very little: it’s a Star Wars prequel about the rebels and has something to do with the Death Star. As this is a Star Wars movie though it came with certain expectations. When I got to the cinema early in the morning to see the film it was still closed and you could sense the feeling of anticipation in the air. Would this movie be able to surprise me as much as The Force Awakens did last year? You can find out in my Rogue One review.. Continue reading