It’s No Game – Short film

It's no game

Last year I wrote about Sunspring, a short film which was written entirely by an articifial intellgence which called itself Benjamin. When watching that it quickly became clear that there still was long way to go, but despite that it was fascinating to watch. This year Benjamin has written something again, but the approach of it has been different. This time various parts are written by humans and it quickly becomes clear when Benjamin’s work kick in as it shows a different style. Does that result in a good film? You be the judge! Continue reading

Stealing Time (2011) – Short movie review

review Stealing Time

The creativity of the human mind know no limits and it’s always fascinating to see what is being invented, but also which theories we think of about things we can’t even see. It appeals to the imagination and the best movies normally also manage to do that. Whether it was the first Matrix movie which did that on a technical level or Black Swan which did that emotionally. A favorite subject of mine has always been time travel as it enables you to dream about both the future and the past, so it’s no surprise I keep searching for new movies I have not seen. Stealing Time was one of them. Continue reading

The Distance Between (2012) – Short film review

The Distance Between review

Although I’m not the biggest fan of romantic comedies, I do love romantic movies. I’ll admit that the two can overlap and do that successfully, like (500) Days of Summer, but I’d rather watch a movie like Before Sunrise than 27 Dresses. The feeling these two titles provoke is very different and I simply love the naturalistic feeling of the first one better. When I found this short film, directed by Emily Ting, I was interested to see what type of romantic movie this was. Continue reading