The Bits of Yesterday (2018) – Review

Near the end of this documentary about retro gaming, collecting is compared to an addiction. People get a rush looking at the games and consoles they own, the new ones they are able to buy and comparing them to others. It’s a feeling almost everyone can understand and I myself was into buying and playing old consoles. I still have quite a lot of them, although I never look at them anymore. I’ve stepped away from them years ago and with that they aren’t as treasured as they once were and when I make the time to properly go through it all I will sell everything so someone else will be able to enjoy it. Distance changes your perspective. The same goes for movie watching. For the last couple of years I saw an amazing amount of films every year, but this year I decided to take a break from blogging (I actually stopped on the Dutch version of my blog) and I lost the need to try and see every movie that comes out and actually am fine with that. But back to this documentary. Continue reading