The Fifth Estate (2013)

Review The Fifth Estate

History has shown that information is powerful and if you can control and limit it, an organisation (whether that is an organisation or government) can use that to its advantage. It makes it possible to hide the truth or distort it. In the opening of the movie we see how information slowly started becoming more widely available. The invention of the printing press is just one example. It allowed for books and newspapers to be printed.

Technology progressed and with a computer you can now access a lot of information with just a few keystrokes and a click of a button. Companies have had to adjust because a dissatisfied customer can do a lot of damage to your image if he start blogging or tweeting about it. Transparancy is the key and hiding something has become more difficult. Wikileaks has had quite an impact on the world with its publication of highly sensitive information, which gave the world a look into the world of politics, diplomacy and the horrors of war. The Fifth Estate tries to weave the story of the site and the people behind it into a compelling movie. Continue reading