Thor: Ragnarok (2017) – Review

Review Thor Ragnarok

When you take a look at the Marvel Cinematic Universe there are some characters who are used more often for comedy than others. The Hulk is often comic relief, usually physical stuff (just think of him slamming Loki back and forth), but if you take a look at the other super heroes it’s Thor who is also the source for a lot of jokes. In the first movie he was a fish out of water who stood out because he talked differently and didn’t know how everything on earth worked. But also in the other Marvel movies a lot of comedy came from him. So it was great news to hear that Taika Waititi would be directing Ragnarok. Hunt for the Wilderpeople and What We Do in the Shadows were extremely funny and Boy was also a very good movie. But as we’ve seen in the past with Edgar Wright and Antman, there is always a risk that the comedy a director wants to bring doesn’t align with the ideas the studio has. Fortunately Waititi has been able to finish the movie and keep his brand of humour intact. Continue reading