Pawn Sacrifice (2014)

Review Pawn Sacrifice

Hollywood loves making movies in which a genius finds success, but at the same time is plagued by his excentric side, disability or psychological issues (just think of movies like A Beautiful Mind, Rain Man, The Imitation Game or The Theory of Everything). It makes it easier to offer the viewer a story about someone who is able to solve complex issues which are important, but at the same time is a human being with a flaw. Of course that means there is a lot of predictability in this type of film. With the good ones that isn’t an issue, so the question is what about this one? Continue reading

The Great Gatsby (2013)

Review of The Great Gatsby starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan

I never read books. Unless you consider listening to an audio book reading. I might pick up a magazine once in a while, but the most reading I actually do will be on the sites of other bloggers and when you read the reviews of this movie each and everyone seems to mention what a stunning book The Great Gatsby is and how it is unfilmable. Since I don’t have that knowledge I’ll just assume that is true and focus on my first encounter with the story, through the movie. Continue reading