Black Mirror – Season 3: Nosedive

black mirror nosedive season 3 review

Online we all will present ourselves slightly different from the way we really are. We won’t quickly share our negative side or bad quality pictures of ourselves. Reactions on posts others have written on social media will generally be very enthusiastic. But what would the world look like if you’d really live your online persona, where everything is perfect and you will constantly have to hide all your frustration and negative feelings? And what if you would should it and everyone around you would turn into a reviewer and give you stars based on that? That more or less is the idea behind the first episode of season 3 of Black Mirror. Continue reading

Broadchurch – Season 1 – Review

Broadchurch review season 1

Even though TV offers a lot of new shows, I’ve been watching quite a few older shows on Netflix lately. It is nice not having to wait a week before finding out what will happen during the next episode. The fact that I recent years I watched more movies than TV means I’ve missed a lot of good shows, including Broadchurch. It was recommended to me by several people and since season only consists of eight episodes (short series have in fact my preference) it was a good show to start with and finish in only a couple of days. Continue reading