My Filmviews interviews… Caspian Tredwell-Owen

Director Caspian Tredwell-Owen interview

Director Caspian Tredwell-Owen is writer of The Island and director of Profile of a Killer. My Filmviews got a chance to talk to him.

Profile of a Killer is an interesting take on the police vs. killer stories we have seen a lot. The search for the killer is there, but it takes a backseat to the direct contact between the killer and the profiler. What inspired you to approach it that way?
It came out of the growth of the teenage market culture over the past 10-15 years, where a previously undefined group was suddenly accorded enormous focus and gravitas. I wanted a way to explore the impact and extremes of this spotlight.

What kind of research goes into writing the story and bringing it all to the screen in a realistic way?
The killer/profiler dynamic was important – the profiler took a lot of research to find the right balance between judgment and understanding – these guys are not unfeeling nor is behavioral analysis (as opposed to the movie/tv version) an exact science. You have to let your subject “in”.

You previously wrote The Island (which was directed by Michael Bay), how different was the experience now that you were able to write it and be in the director’s chair yourself?
Have not seen The Island – but all movie folks thrive on creative control.

If you had to choose between writing and directing, which one would you choose and why?
Directing – more people oriented less isolating.

Why did you choose Minnesota as the location to film the movie?
Buddy of mine from Warner Bros moved up there which gave me an ally – then found great producer in Jasmine – cast were talented and crew were skilled and enthusiastic – all round thumbs up on Minnesota.

Which project(s) can we expect from you in the future?
Next directorial is a ghost story set in New Mexico. I’m also developing a TV project.

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