The Better Film: The Terminator vs Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Best Terminator movie

There always discussions between people when comparing two (very good) movies, which usually comes down to one question:
If you have to pick only one, which is the better film?

My goal is to have that discussion in the comments and see which of the two gets the most support, thus being the better film of the two. This does not mean the other one is bad, it is just to see which one is the preferred choice.

This time the choice is between two science fiction movies about killer robots from the future: The Terminator movies. In my book only two Terminator movies exist that are worth watching. Which of these two do you think is the better film?

The Terminator
The Terminator
The movie which introduced the world to one of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s most iconic roles as a cybernetic organism sent from the future to kill Sarah Connor before she becomes the mother of a rebel leader. It resulted in some classic moments and oneliners any movie lover will remember. A gritty science fiction movie which frightened many.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

This movie took the idea of the original and turned it around with the murderous machine now being the protector and introducing a new threat. With bigger action sequences and some amazing CGI work this one impressed.

So if you could only pick one movie, which one would you prefer? Which one is “the better film”?

20 thoughts on “The Better Film: The Terminator vs Terminator 2: Judgment Day

  1. Terminator 2. You have Sarah Conner being a full-blown badass. You have Arnold being funnier and also more human despite the fact that he’s a cyborg. Plus, it’s got great visual effects and all sorts of badass action scenes.

  2. I love ’em both, but going with the original, here. The second is bigger and shinier, but the intimacy and even the lesser budget of the first makes it that much more unsettling. Plus, the story is much tighter, giving everything a greater urgency than the second flick. And while I’m at it, I’ll admit to actually liking T3. Now TSalavation, on the other hand, is pure crap.

    • Agree that the first movie is a lot grittier and the terror factor is higher, still I’d prefer the second one…maybe I just like shinier things 😉

      I wasn’t a fan of any other Terminator movies.

  3. Original.

    I love the grittiness and B-movie quality of it. Also, the original is just more menacing. You do doubt if the protagonists will survive. In the second film, you don;t have that same sense of urgency.

    The story is simple and to the point. All the performances, and especially Michael Biehn, are great.

  4. They’re both great, but this one is easy. I have to go with the original Terminator. It’s a tight, well-edited film with a great structure that acts like an unending chase film. Sometimes having few resources pays off, and it does here for Cameron.

    • I thought it was a bit harder and ended up picking the second one. Probably because I was really impressed with the effects the first time I saw them and loved how Sarah Connor turned into a badass.

  5. I enjoyed the first movie but to me T2 was one of the best sci/fi action films ever made, heck I think it’s even better than Cameron’s other sequel, Aliens. The action, story, acting and direction were all top notch. I love how Cameron changed Arnold’s Terminator from the villain in the first film to earth’s savior in the sequel.

    • Yes! It is the same for me, just love everything about the second installment (although that is also the case for the original)….but the set pieces in the second one are all very memorable.

  6. Hard decision as they both have their merits. For one thing, T2 does what very sequels manage to do and really up the stakes to produce a quality film. But whether it’s something to do with my memories attached to it, The Terminator is perhaps the “better” film. With the originality of it and the real sense of threat and danger in it. The scene in the police station is fantastic. Having seen it recently, I was reminded by just how good a film the first Terminator is.

    • I also saw it again earlier this year and that police station scene is awesome and generates such a feeling of fear not knowing what is going on or if it is safe. Still I do prefer the second one myself.

  7. Argh this is a tough one. I’d probably go for the original, simply for the fact that it’s the introduction to the character and it kinda nailed it first time. Would happily watch either of them though!

  8. Second one: Bigger, better story and performances and the coolest moments in the series! Had a more memorable and bigger impact on me as a kid too.

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