Defendor (2009)

If Batman, Iron man and Spiderman are examples of superhero movies, then Defendor is an example of an anti-hero movies. Woody Harrelson is Defendor, a man who think he’s a superhero, but doesn’t have any superpower. Because of that he ends up in some very funny situations, but the movie is more than that.

Defendor is a tragical/comical character that clings to his alter-ego because of past experiences to defeat evil. There are some small references to Batman (the way of talking and suddenly disappearing) The movie moves a bit too slow at times and besides Defendor, only Kat (played by Kat Dennings) gets a bit of background and emotion. Had this been done a bit better, the movie would have scored higher. It’s a fun movie to watch though as Harrelson plays the role perfectly. He’s dead serious about his ideas about good and evil. It shows he had fun playing this role.

Score: 7

2 thoughts on “Defendor (2009)

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